The State Russian museum. Work completed

Posted By on Oct 23, 2016

About a week ago, I finally finished a whole saga 🙂 – my last photographs of The State Russian museum interiors has been edited and sent to the customer. It should be noticed that The Museum’s representative not only was pleased with my work but also wrote a laudatory review on the Russian branch of Houzz web site (I will add it here a bit later).

Интерьерная фотосъемка  в Санкт-Петербурге и области

To my mind, the important point is that I shot not only The Russian museum’s interiors but also facades of its buildings. All these photographs will appear in the special album “Architecture” I plan to create some time after.

Интерьерная фотосъемка  в Санкт-Петербурге и области

I can add that it was a very useful and important experience for me. I have tried something new for me on practice (because the shooting of huge museum’s halls is not the same as apartments and hotel rooms). Besides, I was seeking and finding answers for encountering issues during this work. I mean that I was learning something new in the interior photography theory as well as in editing of photographs.

Интерьерная фотосъемка  в Санкт-Петербурге и области

In one word, it was interesting, useful and… it was a challenge, some kind of intermediate top that I have conquered successfully! 🙂 And here’s the last Russian museum’s interiors album: The Marble Palace.