Posts Tagged "иголки"

Pine The Beauty

Pine The Beauty

Posted By on Dec 5, 2014

It was her only fourteenth spring – and first one when she fell in love. And whole the world seems wonderful to her. And she wants endlessly look at the sky, and the sun, and grass between her roots, and birds on her branches, and smile to gentle breeze, and dream, and wait for meeting with him. She has everything forward – even disappointments and fails. But she didn’t want to think about it at the moment. At that moment when she loves and is...

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Juniper The Dandy

Juniper The Dandy

Posted By on Dec 1, 2014

He has always attracted admiring glances of other plants in the forest. Especially when he bloomed and acquired berries later. Although, frankly the matter wasn’t in bloom or berries (moreover he wasn’t lucky with his surname – Common). There just felt the breed in him, the high blood. Besides he knew very well his relatives in the South: next of kin, tall Greek Junipers, and distant ones, Cypresses for example. And that fact has added him a dignity. Moreover, Junipers were very famous for people because they gave their berries for one of the favorite human drinks – gin. That’s why he was so aristocratic and always looked well. May be he was a little snobby, but a little. It never offended anyone. Eventually the ability to make a small talk was very valuable in the...

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Cedar The Lebanon

Cedar The Lebanon

Posted By on Nov 29, 2014

In fact he has never lived in his motherland. Although he became to that park in Crimea when he was young seedling, he was born in one of the Botanical Gardens where he was cared about for the first years of his life. Of course trees around incredulous looked on the sly at him in the beginning. But when construction of the park were finished and crowd of tourists admired ALL of the park inhabitants and not only Lebanon it became clear: he wasn’t special for visitors. That’s why the distrust of neighbors has quickly came to naught. As well as an interest to his past life: he hasn’t seen 15 years civil war, couldn’t speak Arabian and differed from the others only with his exterior. And trees just like people: they only meet on...

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